Early Years

Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 1:32pm

Weekly Blog Friday 17th March 2023

Posted on Friday, 17th March 2023

Please see below for our class attendance for this week.

This week, Mrs Perry's class had the highest attendance with 97.42%! Well done Year 3/4B!

Nursery - 91.25%

Reception - 92.61%

Mrs Davies (1/2A) - 91.43%

Miss Cruickshanks (1/2B) - 85.71%

Mrs Birkinshaw/Mrs Taylor (1/2C) - 93.91%

Mrs Wood (3/4A) - 92.58%

Mrs Perry (3/4B) - 97.42%

Miss Dunn (5/6A) - 95.33%

Mrs Pickersgill/Mrs Walker (5/6B) - 95.36%

Stars of the week
Each week in our Friday Celebration Assembly, we celebrate our stars of the week. Each class teacher chooses 2 children from their class each week who have really impressed them. 


Savannah for being kind! Savannah bought extra money for the Mother's Day shop this week and said it was for all the children who hadn't brought any money with them. It was a really kind and thoughtful gesture for all your friends! Well done Savannah.

Rares for settling in well into Bawtry Mayflower. He has made lots and lots of friends and is trying really hard with his learning.

1/2A Mrs Davies

Evelyn for being kind, helpful and polite and showing respect through the ways she speaks to adults and other children. She is always willing to help others and show them how to improve their work.

Sadie for showing respect through the way she communicates with other children and adults (she is so polite). And for great leaps forward in her writing!

1/2B Miss Cruickshanks

Kiera L - for just being an all-round superstar. For making it onto all three sections of our recognition board, for ALWAYS showing the upmost respect through communication and for being a sheer delight every day.

Bret - for having a new found enthusiasm for writing and applying himself to his learning! I am so proud of how hard you're trying, keep it up Bret!

1/2C Mrs Birkinshaw/Mrs Taylor

Leo T - He has shown great respect through communication this week, especially within his maths lesson. He has been a wizard in multiplication and division and is able to communicate his thoughts and ideas to his peers and complete his work to a very high standard.

Martha - She has been an absolute superstar!! She has shown great respect through communication in her attitude towards her learning. This is been very apparent in her maths work where she has completed fantastic arrays to show her understanding of multiplication. Keep it up!!

3/4A Mrs Wood

Ava B for being kind and working hard. She arrives at school each day with a smile. She always shows she is ready to work and performs to the best of her ability.

Bella for being kind and working hard. She arrives at school each day with a smile. She always shows she is ready to work and performs to the best of her ability.

3/4B Mrs Perry

Adomas for being respectful. Every time, he is showing me that he is ready for his learning and remaining focused on the task he has been given. Keep it up!

Katie for being kind and helpful. She offers to help hand out resources and support others in class. She completes all her learning with a smile.

5/6A Miss Dunn

Layla shows excellent skills of communication; she works well with other children and in discussions with adults and her peers, she always demonstrates respect, kindness and compassion. As such, Layla is a fantastic role model in our class.

Aria has excellent communication skills. She can communicate well with children and adults and works well in collaborative activities with others. Aria ensures that whenever she has a discussion with anyone in school, she talks respectfully and compassionately.

5/6B Mrs Pickersgill/Mrs Walker

Lucy L demonstrates good communication skills and is always respectful when communicating with others. She responds to questions when asked, shows good listening skills and is kind and polite when speaking to her peers and members of staff.

Wear a hat day Friday 31st March
We would like the children (and staff!) to wear a hat together with non-uniform on Friday 31st March to join with us to fundraise as part of Brain Tumour Research's 'Wear A Hat Day'. We would like to ask for voluntary cash donations on the day please towards this fantastic charity. As always, there is no obligation for you to send a donation with your child for them to wear a hat and non-uniform on Friday 31st March.

Please click on the link below to find out more about the charity we are fundraising for.

Joey demonstrates good communication skills in and out of the classroom. In a paired or group activity he always works sensibly with members of the class. He works cooperatively, shares his ideas and thoughtfully listens to what others say.


Allotment fun!
Following the official opening of our new allotment last week, the children have been investigating this week what has been planted. We can't wait for everything to start growing and blossoming in there! We are so excited!




Mothers Day Shop
Our PTA held their Mothers Day shop yesterday. All the children got chance to visit the shop and purchase something for that special someone in their lives (and maybe - well definitely!) a little something for themselves too!! There was a vast array of gifts on sale so everyone had the chance to choose something special.

As always, a huge thank you to our PTA and helpers who gave up their time to organise and buy gifts for the event as well as helping to sell and wrap the gifts. We sent out a plea on Wednesday for extra helpers and were amazed at the response! Everyone helped to make this event really special for the children and we are so grateful to everyone involved.

Non-uniform day Friday 17th March 
Thank you to everyone for your donations of future PTA raffle prizes as part of our non-uniform day today. We have received some fabulous donations in all the categories provided by the PTA on the poster below. If you haven't had chance to donate yet and would like to, please bring your item(s) to the school office next week.


Bag2School clothing collection

The bags for the Bag2School clothing collection will be coming home with the children at the beginning of next week. If you have any items you no longer want, this is the ideal opportunity to have a good clear out at home. Please see below from the Bag2School website regarding what can and can't be included in the bags.

We accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*:

  • Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing
  • Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
  • Handbags
  • Hats
  • Bags
  • Scarves and ties
  • Jewellery
  • Lingerie
  • Socks
  • Belts
  • Soft toys
  • Household linen
  • Household curtains
  • Household towels
  • Household bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)
    * We reserve the right to refuse any unsuitable items

We DO NOT accept:

  • Duvets and blankets
  • Pillows and cushions
  • Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats)
  • Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing
  • School uniforms with and without logo
  • Corporate clothing and workwear
  • Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material
  • On the bags it states that the collection is on Friday 24th March. However, Bag2School have been in touch to ask if they can come to collect the bags on Monday 27th
  • March instead. Further details of where to leave your filled bags will be on next week's blog.

Bug hotel competition

We would like you to design the bug hotel for our wildflower area in the allotment. It will need to be a labelled design and include all the resources that you will need. We would like you to try and recycle different materials such as old pipes or plastic bottles.

All the children were given one of the following sheets to complete recently. 

Good luck!

Bug Hotel Design competition-page-0.jpg

Special visitor in school

We were very excited yesterday to receive a visit from Hannah Cain, a professional footballer who currently plays for Leicester City in addition to playing internationally for Wales. Hannah joined us to celebrate women in sport. The children from Reception upwards all got the opportunity to meet Hannah and to listen to her inspiring story of how her love of football started and how she faced some injury challenges but was determined to continue to play football at the highest level. The children had the opportunity to ask Hannah questions too and came up with some fantastic questions!

It was such a pleasure to meet Hannah and we are very grateful to Miss Railton for organising Hannah's visit. It would be lovely for Hannah to visit us again in the future.


News from Foundation 

The children in Reception have really enjoyed their maths work this week. We have been looking at 2d shapes and have really enjoyed being shape detectives in the indoor and outdoor environment, finding 2d shapes in everyday objects and equipment.




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News from Year 3/4

Recently, Mrs Perry's class led a whole school assembly and invited their parents/carers in to school to share this with them. Some children showed some examples of work that they had done in class and talked about what they had enjoyed in their learning. They were so confident when they were speaking and did a fantastic job. Well done!



Science Week

As part of National Science Week, the children took part in some exciting workshops, led by Janine from Little Laboratory. The children in Year 5/6 worked as scientists to investigate the ingredientsthat reacted together to cause a fizzing reaction when water was added. They then put this learning into practice by making their very own flavoured sherbet (which they enjoyed with a lollypop!)




The children in Year 3/4 started off by using a pipette and food colouring to create a spotty image. They then used this technique to create a salt rainbow. Next, they followed the steps provided to create a rain cloud from shaving foam and blue food colouring. Finally, they used finger paint to show what happened in their beakers.






We have had a fabulous Science Day in school today, organised by the brilliant Mrs Davies. We are just collecting all the photos together from today's activities and will share these with you on next week's blog

Recognition Board Success

Congratulations to the children below who have received their Recognition badges from Mrs Powell recently. They all got their names under all 3 categories on the Recognition board - Work Hard, Be Kind and Be Respectful. Well done everyone!

If your child has been awarded with their Recognition Badge recently and hasn't yet appeared on one of our Friday blogs, please email admin@bawtrymayflower.doncaster.sch.uk and we will make sure we celebrate their success on one of our future blogs. 





Easter Egg Raffle

We would like to hold an Easter Egg raffle during the last week of this term. All the staff will be donating Easter eggs/chocolate and we would like to ask for donations of these items from parents/carers too if possible. If you are able to donate something, could you please bring it to the school office over the next few weeks. Thank you to those who have already donated, it is really appreciated.

Raffle tickets will be on sale in each classroom and also in the school office from Monday 27th March and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 31st March during the school day.


Go Swimstars Leaflet.png

Message from Doncaster Council

We want to hear from parents and carers!

City of Doncaster Council is preparing to launch a new Family Food Programme, to support parents and carers make the best possible nutritious choices for themselves and their children.

The programme – from birth, through weaning and into childhood - looks to provide parents and carers with the practical advice and tools to make healthy changes that they want to pursue as a family, all whilst taking into account individual circumstances.

Families will be offered a wide range of support to help achieve their health goals- including, but not limited to; advice on physical activity, food behaviours, and increasing self-esteem, .

We want to hear from parents and carers (including those trying to conceive and those who are pregnant) to understand what is important to you, so that we can provide the best service.



This survey will close on March 23 2023.

School lunch menu for week commencing 20th March 2023

Menu Autumn 2022 Week 3  .jpg

Diary Dates

Please see below the diary dates for this school year. It may be that there are dates on here that involve your child that you haven't had any information for yet. Please don't worry, information will come out in plenty of time prior to the date concerned. Dates that have been added since the last blog are shown in bold.


Friday 24th March - PTA Ladies Bingo Night

Monday 27th March - Bag2School clothing collection - change of date. Bags to come home with the children week commencing 20th March

Monday 27th March - KS1 Dance Club performance for their parents/carers 3.40pm in lower hall

Tuesday 28th March - Rocksteady concert 2pm (for those parents whose children are taking part in the Rocksteady music sessions)

Wednesday 29th March - Easter Church Service at St Nicholas' church - setting off from school at 9.15am

Wednesday 29th March - KS2 Dance Club performance for their parents/carers 3.40pm in lower hall

Friday 31st March - Wear a hat day - further details to follow

Friday 31st March - last day at school before Easter holidays

Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April - Easter holidays

Monday 17th April - first day back at school after Easter holidays

Monday 1st May - bank holiday - school is closed to pupils

Friday 5th May - celebrating the King's coronation in school, including family picnic (further details to follow)

Monday 8th May - bank holiday for the King's coronation - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May - Key Stage 2 SATs

Thursday 25th May - last day at school before half term

Friday 26th May - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June - half term

Monday 5th June - first day back at school after half term

Thursday 8th + Friday 9th June - Y4 residential

Friday 9th June - Y3 Austerfield Trip

Thursday 15th June - PTA Fathers Day Shop

Friday 16th June - class photos

Wednesday 21st June 2023 - Big Talk in school (Parents meeting at (9:00a.m.)

Thursday 22nd June - PTA Summer Fair

Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th June - Year 6 residential to Caythorpe Court PGL

Thursday 6th July - Nursery/Reception visit to Austerfield - further details to follow. Nursery parents to accompany their children on the visit.

Monday 10th July - Year 6 transition evening at The Hayfield School (further details to follow from Hayfield)

Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th July - Year 6 transition at The Hayfield School (further details to follow from Hayfield)

Tuesday 18th July - Rocksteady concert 2pm (for those parents whose children are taking part in the Rocksteady music sessions)

Thursday 20th July - PTA Colour Run

Tuesday 25th July - last day at school before summer holidays

Tuesday 25th July - Year 6 Leavers assembly 2pm

Wednesday 26th July to Friday 1st September - summer holidays

New school year 2023/2024


Monday 4th September - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 5th September - first day back after Summer holidays

Wednesday 27th September to Friday 29th September - Year 6 residential to Caythorpe Court PGL Centre

Monday 2nd October - closing date for Nursery applications for September 2024

Friday 20th October - last day before half term

Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October - half term

Monday 30th October - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 31st October - first day back after half term

Monday 30th October - closing date for Secondary applications for September 2024

Wednesday 1st November - individual/sibling photos (session for those with younger siblings etc to be held from 8am)

Friday 22nd December - last day before Christmas holidays

Monday 25th December to Friday 5th January - Christmas holidays


Monday 8th January - first day back after Christmas Holidays

Monday 15th January - closing date for Reception applications for September 2024

Friday 9th February - last day before half term

Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February - half term

Monday 19th February - first day back after half term

Thursday 28th March - last day before Easter holidays

Friday 29th March - bank holiday - school closed

Monday 1st April to Friday 12th April - Easter holidays

Monday 6th May - bank holiday - school closed

Wednesday 15th May - class photos

Friday 24th May - last day before half term

Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May - half term

Monday 3rd June - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Friday 19th July - last day before half term

Monday 22nd July - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 23rd July - Training Day - school is closed to pupils


Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell