Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2024 - 2025

Meet Our Team!

Mrs Philippa Fuller – Reception Teacher

Mrs Hollie Ward – Teacher (Wednesdays)

Miss Sarah Hoggart - Nursey Teacher/EYFS Lead

Mrs Nicki Agus - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Amie Brindley – Teaching Assistant

Miss Kelly Hollingsworth – Teaching Assistant

Miss Alison Limb – Teaching Assistant

The School Day

Children should be dropped off at their class door at 8:40am and registration closes at 8:45am.

The gates and door to reception will open at 8:35am.

The gates will be locked promptly at 8:40am - pupils arriving after this time will be required to go through the office and will be recorded as late.

Pick up time at the end of the day is 3:10pm.


Each day the children need:

-       a coat (suitable for the weather)

-       water bottle (labelled with your child’s name)

-       packed lunch if they are not having a school dinner.

-       Suitable footwear – every day children have free flow to the outdoors which includes physical activities, water play and the mud kitchen, so they need comfortable, safe footwear to do so. (Wellie’s can be left at school in a named bag on your child’s peg)

-       Spare Clothes: we advise that every child brings a set of spare clothes in case of any accidents or if they get wet/messy during play. All items need to be named in a bag that can be left on their peg.


All uniform including outdoor clothing needs to be named.

PE Days

All pupils need to bring an appropriate PE kit on their allocated PE days. Please bring this in a bag with all items being named. This can be brought to school on a Monday and left, we will send it home with your child after their P.E lesson.

Children will need the following items of clothing in their PE kits:

·         - plain black joggers/shorts/cycling shorts or leggings,

·         - a white short or long-sleeved T-shirt,

·         - training shoes suitable for outdoor games on the field and playground

·         (A track suit is recommended for outdoor winter games.)

Please note! No football shirts/strips should be worn, and clothing should not have large brand names on them.

We will support your child to change from their uniform to their P.E kit and then back to their uniform again after P.E

2024-2025 P.E Day is Wednesday.

Reading and Learning at Home

In school we teach phonics and reading though the Read Write Inc program. Your child will have daily phonics sessions to support them in learning to read and write.

Talking to your child about what new sound they have learnt and practicing this at home each day will support them in recognising and using these new sounds.

At home playing games such as Simon says, eye spy and guess that sound can support your child’s phonological awareness.

Reading – children should aim to read for 10 minutes each day: the more a child reads at home, the more progress they will make. We ask that an adult at home supports reading for 10 minutes each night and signs their child's reading diary to show that this has happened. 

Please note that every child will bring home a reading activity or book to support their own learning, this will look different for each child throughout the year.

Here are some useful websites:

-        https://foundationyears.org.uk/files/2021/09/What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-completeFINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf

-       https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parentsandcarers/

-       https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

-       https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/learning-at-home-4-5/

-       https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/learning-at-home-4-5/


ParentPay can be used to pay school meals when your child reaches year 3, all children in reception will receive a free school meal until this point

It can also be used to pay for any other trips / visits that are planned in school.

ParentPay is also used to give permission for activities beyond the daily curriculum offer, including for trips, visitors or other enrichment activities.

If you need any help or support setting up your ParentPay account, please contact the team in the office who will be happy to help.

Keeping in Touch

Our staff are always available to pass any information on to at the beginning and end of each day.

If you need to talk to your child’s teacher regarding something that may take longer, then please arrange a time with them that won’t impact on teaching and learning time

If you are not able to come into school please contact our school office team, and your message will be passed on to the relevant member of staff.

You will be able to see photos on X from different activities, events and learning from around school.

Every Friday the school blog is posted full of information, achievements and learning around school.

We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, but please bear in mind that during the school day we are focused on teaching and learning with your children.


School Visits for 2024-2025

In Reception we go on regular seasonal walks around the school grounds so that they can observe the changes around them.

We will walk to the post box to post our letters at Christmas time, supported by KS2 children. In the Spring Term we will visit the local shop to buy ingredients for our baking in school.

To complete our learning after Christmas, Reception will have the opportunity to go on a school trip to Conisbrough Castle towards the end of the Spring term.


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Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell