Year 1 2024 - 2025
Meet Our Team!
Mrs H Ward – Year 1 teacher/Pupil Premium Lead
Mrs H Birkinshaw – Year 1 teacher/RSE/PSHE/RE Lead
Mrs N Agus – Year 1 High Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Wooldridge – Year 1 Teaching Assistant
The School Day Children should be dropped off at the outside entrance at 8:35am and registration closes at 8:45am. The gates will be locked promptly at 8:45am - pupils arriving after this time will be required to go through the office and will be recorded as late. Pick up time at the end of the day is 3:10pm. Children left behind after 3:20pm will be taken to the office to await arrival of an adult. Phone calls to parents or carers with be made at this point. Each day the children need a coat, water bottle and packed lunch if they are not having a school dinner. All uniform including outdoor clothing needs to be named. |
PE Days All pupils need to bring an appropriate PE kit on their allocated PE days. Children will need the following items of clothing in their PE kits: · plain black shorts/cycling shorts or leggings · a white short or long-sleeved T-shirt · trainers that are suitable for outdoor games on the field and playground · a track suit is recommended for outdoor winter games Please note! No football shirts/strips should be worn, and clothing should not have large brand names on them. PE is on Tuesday and Friday. Please arrive at school in PE kit on Friday as our session starts at 8.45am. |
Reading and Learning at Home Reading – children must aim to read for 10 minutes each day: the more a child reads at home, the more progress they will make. In KS1, children will be bringing home a library book to share, a book to read at their phonics level, and their RWI book. We ask that an adult at home supports reading for 10 minutes each night and signs their child's reading diary to show that this has happened. Spelling will be sent out on a Monday and with Spelling Test taking place on a Friday Here are some useful websites: · |
ParentPay ParentPay can be used to pay school meals and for any other trips / visits that are planned in school. ParentPay is also used to give permission for activities beyond the daily curriculum offer, including for trips, visitors or other enrichment activities. If you need any help or support setting up your ParentPay account, please contact the team in the office who will be happy to help. |
School Trips Throughout the year we will be participating in a range of wider curriculum activities such as: school trips, local visits, visitors and workshop visits to school. We currently have local church visits, visits to the local library and a trip to Doncaster Museum booked. |
Keeping in Touch Please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Year 1 team about any questions, worries or concerns you or your child may have. Someone from the Year 1 team will always be available to help if needed or you can contact the office at |