Year 3 2024 - 2025

Meet Our Team!

Mrs Ronan - Class Teacher (Mon/Tues)

Mrs Parkes - Class Teacher (Wed-Fri)

Mrs Aiston - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Miller - Teaching Assistant

The School Day

Children should be dropped off at their class door at 8:35am, the doors will  be closed at 8:40 ready for the register to be taken and learning to be started promptly afterwards. If your child arrives after 8:40 they will need to go to the office to enter and will be recorded as late.

Pick up time at the end of the day is 3:10pm.

Each day the children need a coat, water bottle and packed lunch if they are not having a school dinner. They also need to bring in their reading book and diary.

Suitable footwear – every day we will encourage the children to take part in physical activities, so they need comfortable, safe footwear to do so.

All uniform including outdoor clothing needs to be named.

PE Days

All pupils need to bring an appropriate PE kit on their allocated PE days. 

Children will need the following items of clothing in their PE kits:

·       plain black - shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings

·       a plain white top or school logo white t shirt

·       a plain black tracksuit top / jumper

·       trainers suitable for outdoor games on the field and playground

Please note! No football shirts/strips should be worn, and clothing should not have large brand names on them.

Our PE day is Thursday.

Reading and Learning at Home

Reading – We ask that the children aim to read each day with a minimum of 3 times a week, the more a child reads at home, the more progress they will make.

Spellings are given out on a Friday to be tested the following Friday. These are the year 3/4 common exception words that we aim for the children to know and learn by the end of year 4.

Homework – At this current moment we just ask that the children read at home, practise their spellings and also their times tables as they are key essentials skills required to support their next steps in learning.

Here are some useful websites:






ParentPay can be used to pay for school meals and for any other trips / visits that are planned in school.

ParentPay is also used to give permission for activities beyond the daily curriculum offer, including for trips, visitors or other enrichment activities.

If you need any help or support setting up your ParentPay account, please contact Miss Argo in the office who will be happy to help.

Keeping in Touch

We will continue to be available at the start and end of the school day or via phone call if this is not an option for yourselves. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, but please bear in mind that during the school day we are focused on teaching and learning with your children, and we do not always get chance to respond the same day.

If you have an urgent request/message, please contact the team in the office via phone as emails can take up to 48 hours to be responded to.

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Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell