Curriculum Implemention & Year Group Long-Term Plans

Bawtry Mayflower Curriculum Implementation

Whilst providing children with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that they require in order to meet the demands of the National Curriculum, our curriculum is also designed to provide children with a wide range of opportunities to develop academically, socially, spiritually and morally, into members of our school community and the wider community who are able to make a positive contribution. Our curriculum has been designed to encompass knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live and how events in the past have shaped it to make it what it is today. The units of work have been designed to complement and build on one another, with clear progression and links so that in subsequent year groups, children will be able to advance their understanding of identified Threshold Concepts.

Our innovative approach to curriculum design ensures a focus on the development of literacy skills, while at the same time deepening children’s knowledge and experience of the broader curriculum. It is organised into subject specific units of work which allow for cross curricular links where appropriate.

The structure of the curriculum: 

> ensures that we introduce pupils to the essential knowledge they need to become educated citizens by introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, helping them to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. (NC 2014)

> ensures that teachers have clarity about what to teach and supports them to develop mastery for all and a greater depth of understanding for those who are capable.

> uses threshold concepts - the big ideas – to build conceptual understanding within and across subjects.

Our growing understanding of cognitive science increasingly underpins our curriculum design and implementation E.g. spaced repetition, retrieval and the development of metacognitive and self-regulation strategies to foster independence in our children.

We expect that:

Pupils will become increasingly independent learners who take ownership of their learning.

The vast majority of pupils will remember learning against the threshold concepts which will lead to mastery of subject content across the whole curriculum.

Pupils will be supported to become deep analytical thinkers who are able to apply their knowledge and skills in a range of contexts.

Pupils will be self-assured, articulate individuals who can clearly communicate thoughts and opinions and thus be able to make a positive contribution to school and wider society.

Curriculum implementation:

Our long-term curriculum maps ensure deliberate vertical and horizontal links within a subject, so that threshold concepts are repeated in subsequent years, in order to secure and deepen understanding. Links across subjects are also made, thus supporting schema development.

Our curriculum provides opportunities which support children to develop a greater understanding of the world. This is be done through a range of learning opportunities including visits, visitors and an increasingly varied choice of books.

Teaching may be subject specific, cross curricular or delivered through continuous provision in the form of daily routines or theme weeks.

Content and concepts are broken into steps and are carefully and clearly explained, modelled, practised and applied, enabling children to increase their independence.

Curriculum Implementation of Subjects:

Reading: Proficiency in reading is key to enabling children to access all other areas of the curriculum and as such, we want our children to read, develop a love of books and become life-long learners.

In EYFS and KS1, Phonics is taught on a daily basis through Read, Write Inc. Speed sound lessons teach children how to say, read and write new sounds and give them the opportunity to use blending to read these sounds in words. Children continually recap the sounds that they have been taught and apply their skills to read and explore books carefully matched to their phonic knowledge. Half termly assessments identify any children requiring additional support and this is rapidly put in place. Children in EYFS access reading activities in the foundation unit and are given lots of opportunities to apply their phonics skills.

Reading is taught daily in whole class sessions using a variety of reading materials and genres. These are carefully planned and selected to develop children’s fluency, comprehension and understanding of vocabulary in context. Children are taught specific reading skills such as inference, summarisation and retrieval through explicit modelling and the use of graphic organisers to draw upon evidence from the text. Children are given the opportunity to dig deeply into texts and answer questions based on what they have read.

We encourage children to take books home and share them with parents. Children in key Stage 1 take home independent reading books, in addition to choosing a text from the library that they would like to share with someone at home. Children in Key Stage Two are encouraged to choose from a wide range of texts to read both independently and with an adult at home. All children have reading records for home/school communication.

Writing: At Bawtry Mayflower, we aim to develop high proficiency in children’s oral and written communication skills, enabling them to communicate effectively with a wide range of different audiences and for a range of different purposes. Children are given frequent opportunities to write for a range of real audiences and purposes, across different areas of the curriculum. The children are taught key skills under the Threshold Concepts and these are revisited throughout the year, and in subsequent years, to ensure that mastery is achieved.

Our lesson structure for the teaching of writing includes the following steps: activation of prior learning so that children can see where the new learning fits with what has been previously taught; explicit strategy instruction of the skill being taught, with opportunities for children to practise this in a range of different ways; high quality modelling of the application of the taught skill(s) to enable children to understand how writers make conscious decisions throughout the writing process and to think as a writer or author; and application of the taught skill into an independent piece of writing. A wide range of stimuli, such as texts, real experiences and imagery, are used to capture the children’s imagination and to allow them to apply taught skills into extended pieces of writing. Regular opportunities for children to reflect upon and edit and improve their writing, both independently and collaboratively, help children to understand their strengths and areas for development. Teachers assess children’s independent writing to identify next steps and to inform subsequent teaching and learning.

Spelling is taught discretely and applied through all written work. Our approach to spelling ensures coverage of all spelling rules whilst ensuring that key rules are repeated over time so that these are embedded into long term memory. The teaching of punctuation and grammar is interwoven into writing lessons in a meaningful context, and, when appropriate, is taught discretely.  

Maths: We believe that in order for pupils to be confident mathematicians, they need a firm foundation and concrete understanding of number and the number system and so, across the school, we use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to teaching mathematics. This allows children to explore mathematical concepts in lots of different ways, using a range of visual representations and it helps children to see the links between different concepts in this subject. This approach is utilised from foundation stage right through to Year 6. We use a mastery approach to teaching maths and aim for all children to achieve this. To support children to develop their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding, a lesson structure is in place for maths lessons. This structure includes: activating prior knowledge; introduction of new learning and expert modelling; a talk task, providing children with the opportunity to practise the new skill collaboratively, and independent application. The independent aspect includes challenges, activities and questions designed to develop fluency, varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Daily assessment in the form of questioning, learning conversations with children and marking of books, identifies any children who may need additional support to achieve mastery of concepts and timely interventions ensure that children catch up. Maths lessons are taught daily and in addition to this, children are taught rapid recall of key mathematical facts, using interleaving and distribution to aid memory. Children have opportunities across the curriculum to use and apply their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding in real life contexts.

Science: Our Science curriculum is structured to allow pupils to explore science through practical and investigative work. The aim of the curriculum is to develop ‘working scientifically’ skills such as planning, conducting, recording, concluding and evaluating as well as to secure curriculum knowledge in biology, chemistry and physics. We encourage natural curiosity and allow the children to investigate for themselves to find answers to their questions about the world around them and beyond.

Understanding of the World is interwoven through the EYFS curriculum and taught in adult led sessions, with children then further developing their understanding through a mix of adult and child-initiated activities.  These key concepts are then revisited throughout the year, giving children opportunities to use and apply their skills and understanding across the curriculum.

In Key Stages One and Two, science is taught discretely and mapped across the years with key skills and concepts repeated over time to ensure mastery of these and to ensure that key knowledge is transferred into long term memory. Retrieval practice is built into the science curriculum so that children have opportunities to recall their knowledge.

We provide our children with an opportunity to learn more about science in a variety of innovative ways and their learning is enriched with out of school visits, visitors into school, whole school events during science week, including parental participation, and Science assemblies led by our Science Ambassadors. 


Our topics in school are driven by history and geography, linking these subjects together, where appropriate, so that children understand what, when, who and where, developing links and building schema in long-term memory. These topics meet the requirements of the national curriculum, whilst also focussing on our local area, putting learning into meaningful and relevant contexts for the children. Each topic builds upon the children’s learning in the previous year group, ensuring that vertical and horizontal links in learning are made from EYFS up to the end of Key Stage 2. The children are taught key skills within the Threshold Concepts and these are revisited throughout the year, and in subsequent years, to ensure mastery of these skills. Our humanities curriculum is underpinned by cognitive science, designed to support children to know more and remember more. Key vocabulary is explicitly taught and revisited through relevant topics and links, where relevant, are made with other areas of the curriculum, such as maths, science, DT, art, reading, writing and oracy. Children are encouraged to utilise independent learning strategies with an enquiry-based approach in humanities lessons, discovering and finding out for themselves. We provide our children with an opportunity to learn more about the world in which we live today, and in the past in a variety of innovative ways and their learning is enriched with out of school visits, visitors into school, a wide range of texts loaned from the library service and artefacts loaned from museums. 

History: Children develop their skills in:  communicating historically; investigating and interpreting the past; building an overview of world history; and understanding chronology.

Geography: Children develop their skills in: investigating places; investigating patterns; and communicating geographically.

Children learn about ‘World News’ in their classes, through assemblies and in pupil voice sessions. In these sessions, they learn about an event that is currently happening in the world, applying their skills to find out more about the geographical features of the location and the impact of the event on the location and the people within it. This develops children’s understanding as global citizens as well as providing them with opportunities for reflection.

Art: All pupils have the opportunity to express themselves artistically. Our curriculum is designed to deliver a high-quality education of the arts that engages, inspires and challenges all pupils. The children explore a range of artists and styles across each phase. They appraise work from different cultures and from different times and are asked to discuss their likes and dislikes to develop their appreciation and understanding of art. Pupils take inspiration from an artist or cultural style before practising and mastering a range of techniques. Children then apply the range of techniques and skills that they have learnt to produce an original piece of art, in the style of the artist studied. All children are encouraged to develop their ideas through a hands-on approach; practising, improving, developing and applying their skills. We encourage children at Bawtry Mayflower to celebrate mistakes to ensure that they become more resilient, inspiring them to become life-long creative learners.

Art skills are taught across school in discrete lessons which children build upon over the year and in subsequent years. Children then apply these skills in a range of contexts to produce pieces of art that are either stand alone or linked to another area of the curriculum studied. Expressive arts and design are interwoven into the EYFS curriculum and is taught through adult and child-initiated activities. This learning is enriched with regular opportunities to use and apply these skills and to follow their own interests when producing pieces of art through continuous and enhanced provision.

The children participate in an Art Week, creating self-portraits in the style for an artist. This work is celebrated in our Art Gallery.

D&T: In DT we develop the creative, technical and practical skills and expertise necessary for performing everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. Children take inspiration from designs and designers and spend time evaluating their products and processes so that they have a secure understanding of the procedures necessary to design, make, evaluate and improve functional products for real purposes. Children build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users. Children are given opportunities to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.

In EYFS, expressive arts and design lessons are taught in a sequence over each half term period. Children take inspiration from products that have been designed and made, before then learning the skills necessary to design, make and evaluate their own versions of these products. These skills are taught in adult led sessions with children then further developing their understanding through a mix of adult initiated and child-initiated activities.  These key concepts are then revisited throughout the year, giving children opportunities to use and apply in real contexts.

In Key Stages one and two, DT is taught discretely so that children can build the skills and knowledge necessary. Once learned, children can apply their skills to other areas of the curriculum so that they can see the purpose of their learning in different contexts. The children develop skills and knowledge in textiles, mechanisms and structures in KS1. They continue to build on these in KS2 and learn about electronics.

Throughout school, children learn cooking, food and nutrition, ensuring that they acquire the fundamental life skills to be able to feed themselves healthily and independently. Each year group build upon the skills learnt in the previous year to design and make food for someone else, for example the School Governors or their parents.

Computing: It is important for all children to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science necessary for performing everyday tasks confidently and participating successfully in an increasingly technological world. We teach children the skills and knowledge necessary in order to become responsible, confident, competent and creative users of technology. Our computing curriculum gives children opportunities to code, connect, communicate and collect data. It is tailored to provide a rich, engaging and memorable programme of study for our children including opportunities to work creatively and collaboratively using a range of software and hardware.

In Key Stages one and two, children are taught computing in discrete lessons on a regular basis. The skills of coding, collecting information, communicating and connecting are taught in this way so that children understand that these skills can be transferred across all other curriculum areas. These skills are then applied to real contexts so that children can appreciate the function and role of computer technology in the modern world.

Online Safety is taught discretely as part of our computing curriculum to ensure that children are knowledgeable and responsible users of technology. We use a range of age appropriate resources such as the ‘ThinkUKnow’ resources created in partnership with CEOP and the NCA. Each year, we hold events for parents to inform them of developments in computer programmes that their children could be using and to provide them with information about how they can ensure that their children are safe online. We also share information about e-Safety on the blog.

Religious Education:  Our R.E. curriculum has been designed according to the Doncaster Agreed Syllabus and lesson ideas are linked to the RE Today programme. The Agreed Syllabus states that all pupils need to;

  • Know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews,
  • Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews and
  • Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.


R.E. will be taught in ways that engage, inspire and challenge children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to both ask and answer tricky questions. Through a range of stimulating activities, such as drama, art or debate, children will develop an understanding of religious tolerance, enabling them to see the importance of working together to combat prejudice, thus preparing them for adult life, future employment and life-long learning in our multi-cultural society. Throughout their time at Bawtry Mayflower Primary School, children will learn about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and non-religious world views. The curriculum is carefully planned to align with special dates and celebrations for the focus religions.

Children pay regular visits St Nicholas’ Church in Bawtry for services and to celebrate significant Christian events. Visitors the church also from make frequent visits to the school to deliver whole school worship sessions, thus strengthening the school’s link with the local community.


Music: Throughout school, we use the ‘Charanga’ scheme of work for music which provides children with opportunities to explore a range of musical compositions. Music lessons are taught discretely and distributed, with each lesson building upon the last to ensure that children develop the skills and knowledge necessary in order to progress as musicians. Children begin a new unit by listening to a piece of music and appraising it, using structured questions to guide their discussions. They then explore the composition of the music in depth, using hands on activities to decipher the pulse, tempo and pitch of the music. Children learn the tune and vocals for the music before learning how to play the melody with musical instruments. Within class music lessons, children have the opportunity to perform, before evaluating and improving their own work and the work of others. We provide a choir

club on a termly timetable and members of the choir have regular opportunities to perform at local events such as Young Voices or Sing Up. To further strengthen our links with the local community, some children visit a local retirement housing development to perform for the residents. These enrichment activities give children the opportunity to perform for audiences wider than the immediate school community and develop their confidence. The children in Year 6 are all members of the school brass band and have weekly lessons with a specialised peripatetic teacher from the local music centre.  Children in KS2 are able to learn how to play a range of instruments including guitar and woodwind with specialised teachers. They also have the opportunity to learn instruments and play in a band provided by Rocksteady. They then, along with the Year 6 band, showcase their skills in a musical performance at the end of the term for children, parents and members of the wider community.  

PE: Our aim for the teaching of PE is for children to develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle. PE lessons are taught by both the class teacher and by specialist sports coaches. Over the course of the year, children build up skills across the full range of disciplines. Lessons include expert modelling of the skill being taught and collaborative and independent practice. Once children have mastered the skill, they then apply it in a range of different ways such as: playing an active role in a team game; creating sequences of movements to perform for an audience; competing in athletics activities and problem solving in outdoor and adventurous activities. Children are given the opportunities to compete and perform, appraising their own work and the work of others before refining their practice. In EYFS, moving and handling and health and self-care is taught once a week and children have access to the outdoor area during independent learning time practise and apply these skills. The children in Year 5 receive weekly swimming lessons at a local leisure centre, delivered by specialist swimming coaches. They are assessed against the requirements of the national curriculum and the aim is for all children to be able to swim confidently so that they are safe when in, or near, water. We offer a range of extra-curricular sporting activities on a termly timetable. During the spring and summer terms, children have the opportunity to compete in inclusive sporting competitions in order to apply taught skills to real situations and to continue to develop a love of sports in children. Sports day is held at the end of the academic year so that children can perform for parents and the wider community, further developing their confidence and sporting belief.

PSHE and SRE: Pupils are taught PSHE using ‘Jigsaw’ which is progressive scheme of work and 'aims to prepare children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world’. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

In addition to Relationships Education, we also teach aspects of Sex Education that is covered in our Science Curriculum.

 PSHE is taught through Jigsaw’s six half termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level):

Term 1: Being Me in My World

Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)

Term 3: Dreams and Goals

Term 4: Healthy Me

Term 5: Relationships

Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)

PSHE is an integral part of the whole school curriculum, and is therefore often taught within other subject areas and in other engaging educational opportunities. Visitors such as emergency services and the school nurse complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning. Assemblies are linked to PSHE, British Values and SMSC and cover any additional sessions that would benefit the whole school. Pupils have regular opportunities to participate in discussion through Pupil Voice sessions as a vehicle to explore relevant themes including relationships (social and emotional), Health and well-being, Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen. Each year, the Year 6 children go to Crucial Crew as part of developing our children to become responsible citizens. All children also take part in themed days and weeks each year such as Anti-Bullying Week, Hello Yellow Day, Safer Internet Day, Road Safety Awareness assemblies and many more.

Our four learning behaviours in school are: be responsible, be determined, be collaborative and be courageous. These behaviours are developed, demonstrated and celebrated in a variety of ways across the school and we encourage children to use them to make the most out of all experiences. Our school rules support our vision of what we want for our children; encouraging them to be kind, be respectful and work hard in order to achieve their very best and contribute as responsible members of society.


French: French is introduced as children move in to Year 3 and continued throughout Key Stage 2. This means that the knowledge, skills and understanding that children develop in this subject is built upon each year.

The French curriculum is designed to foster children’s curiosity through regular opportunities to work collaboratively and to apply their developing language skills across different areas. Content that is relevant and meaningful for our children ensures that they see the purpose of their learning and can make links between what is being taught and how this relates to the real world. Accurate pronunciation and intonation is modelled to children and they are given opportunities each lesson to listen and then respond to spoken language, both individually and in pairs/small groups. Children have regular opportunities to further develop the spoken aspect of this language through joining in with and responding to stories, songs, poems and rhymes.

Concepts are regularly revisited and applied so that children develop a deeper understanding, thus fostering a love of the language. In so doing, our children acquire an appreciation of French culture, including developing an understanding of the differences between their own lives and those of French children.


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Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell