About Our School
Our vision is underpinned by an agreement between staff, Governors and members of the PTA who worked closely together to think about what we want for our children:
At Bawtry Mayflower this means that children develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to access their next stage of education and begin their journey to being good citizens. They do this in an environment which enables them to feel safe and secure; with strong trusting relationships with the adults and children around them.
We support children to foster lifelong learning skills through our Learning Powers which challenge children to:
We are committed to provide:
a welcoming, stimulating and safe learning environment
a broad, balanced curriculum which reflects the needs of our children
high expectations of our children AND ourselves
a range of resources that are used effectively to support learning
equal access to all areas of the curriculum and school life
support, guidance and relevant training for all who work with our children
links with our local community
School Hours 8.40am-3.10pm
Parent / Public queries to Miss Argo on email admin@bawtrymayflower.doncaster.sch.uk or by phone on 01302 710721
Schools Financial Benchmarking information can be found here.