With Me In Mind

Our school works closely with With Me In Mind. We have lead mental health practitioners from the NHS who come to school every 5-6 week to support us and our children.
With Me in Mind is the name of one of the national Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) and there are teams based in both Doncaster and Rotherham.
Their service was identified following the release of the Government Green Paper (2017), “Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health” in which there was a focus on earlier intervention and prevention, especially in, and linked to schools and colleges. One of the core proposals from the paper was to fund new Mental Health Support Teams, which are predominantly being supervised by NHS Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services as well as local charity/private services.
Early Prevention and Intervention
The With Me in Mind service focuses on early prevention and intervention; ensuring children and young people, their families/ carers are able to access appropriate support to improve and maintain positive emotional wellbeing, to expand and widen positive self-esteem and to increase their self-efficacy in order to create resilience.
They work closely with us in school to develop a whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing ensuring that positive mental health is recognised as everyone’s business and all pupils/adults can access an environment that develops strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience.
Bawtry Mayflower With Me In Mind Offer
In school our Mental Health team work in conjunction with senior practitioners from WMIM to develop a whole school approach to further developing positive mental health and wellbeing.
Every year we provide:
Staff training in identifying MH needs
WMIM staff deliver school assemblies on a range of topics: managing worries, anxiety, managing exam pressure, transitions etc
WMIM staff deliver workshops to different year groups on topics appropriate to them
WMIM staff deliver small group intervention on varying mental health topics
1:1 work for those children who need specialised intervention to support their mental health. This can be parent led CBT but is prescribed through consultant with our senior With Me in Mind practitioner and always with support and consent from parents.