School Lunch Menu

School Lunch Menu

Please find below details of our updated choice lunch menus which will be served from week commencing 4th November 2024. The menus are on a 3-weekly rotation and the weeks in which each menu will be served are shown at the top of each menu. There will also be a reminder of the menu for the following week on our weekly blog on our website and this is published every Friday afternoon.

The cost for a school meal is £3 per day (£15 per week). Payment for school meals should be made on ParentPay at least weekly in advance of the meals being taken and parents can pay as far in advance as they wish. 

The cook will continue to regularly review the menu choices, particularly when a new set of menus is introduced, and we will of course keep parents fully informed of any impending changes.

The meals, which are designed by Doncaster Council's Schools Catering service continue to comply with the standards of Silver accreditation by the Soil Association. Part of the criteria for this is that spending on ingredients on ethical and environmentally friendly food and locally sourced ingredients is taken into account, including the use of organic, MSC, Fairtrade and Freedom Foods. 

Children in Year 2 and below receive a free school meal as part of the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meal initiative which was introduced a few years ago. This free meal is separate to the Free School Meal entitlement which some families may be eligible to receive if they are in receipt of certain benefits. If you think you would qualify for Free School Meals or require further information on this, please click on the following link

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Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell